Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Most suitable laptop/laptop brand for a student/gamer?


First of all, I really don't know much about laptops. I've been thinking about buying a new one for quite a while and obviously want to get a good deal for my money. I'm a student, so MS Word, Excel, etc are necessities along with a good RAM. I'm also a gamer, not hardcore enough to crave for Alienware but I want a decent graphics card and HD screen. I prefer Windows over Macs, but tbh that's not my biggest concern.

Also I wasn't sure if I wanted a laptop or a desktop as desktops are much better, but I'm still contemplating on that. Please let me know about any recommendations you have, either a certain laptop, a brand or a desktop, I'd greatly appreciate the help. I apologise for being a little vague too, I know just enough about PC's to get me through life. >_>
@Shredder7; Oh right, the budget. I guess I'm willing to spend around £800 on the laptop, £900 if I'm pushing it. MS 2010 and decent Security will probably cost me another £100 at least, so I'd prefer the laptop/desktop to not go over £1000. Laptops are what I'm mainly focusing on though. I think £800 is around $1200?

If you want a laptop with a good gpu you will spend lots of money. $800+

What is a good laptop brand for a high school student?


I don't want a Mac, but what other brands are good for a high school student to buy? My max price would probably be $1000.

I will suggest you to buy ASUS N61JV-X2 16-Inch Versatile Entertainment Laptop (Dark Brown)
This is the most decent choice because amongst new arrivals the hp and sony have a very bad makeup thus the only choice which remains is asus
Read this review,it will help:

I found it at very reasonable price here for you:

Here are its specifications:

Intel Core i5-430M Processor 2.26 GHz with Turbo Boost Technology up to 2.53GHz
4GB of DDR3 1066MHz SDRAM, 2 slots, 8GB Max
500GB Hard Drive (7200 RPM); Super Multi Optical Disk Drive; Wi-Fi 802.11 bgn (bluetooth not included)
16-Inch HD LED LCD Display; 2.0MP Webcam; HDMI Port; NVidia GT325M Graphics Engine with 1GB DDR3 Dedicated VRAM
Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit) Operating System

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What is the best laptop for college? and what programs are needed for college use?

i love bba

An HP laptop is the best one. Or any laptop that have all the software needed to help you in college.

I have the HP 530 it is very nice. I did all my word documents, spreadsheets and powerpoint presentation on this laptop.

Good luck purchasing yours =}

Netbook laptop desktop college?


So I'm looking into which kind of computer i want to get for college and I'm running into some confusion. Idk if i should just get a laptop (mac only, but not a pro so it would be tiny :[) or if I should get an iMac (24 inch screen :]] ) and a small dell netbook for portability and notes. I feel that the iMac would have more power and possibility for upgrades then a laptop, but would a netbook for class be enough??

I'm not sure if a laptop in class is needed for like online demonstrations or downloading programs that the class does together or using some CD programs.I know that you can by the external Optical Drive for the Netbook I just don't know if it would have enough space/power.

What do you think?

In my opinion, Macs are WAY overpriced for what you get. Especially since they aren't customizable or really all that upgradable. You pay out big $$$ for looks but miss out on a lot of technology (in the laptops, at least). Depending on your degree there are some programs that just don't have Mac versions, which will be a huge hassle. And I always hate feeling like the Mac programmers dumbed down things for me. It's my computer and I want to manage it how I see fit.

I have 2 laptops (custom builds, XP Pro based), 2 desktops (one linux and one XP Pro) and a netbook (also XP Pro), and honestly for most things I prefer my Samsung NC10 netbook. It's small, fast, light and the battery lasts forever. I have a Lenovo R61 which I travel with for work, but for most things (email, word processing, and even working in Excel) I prefer my netbook. It has some drawbacks, but it is soooo worth not having to drag around a larger laptop. I thought I would miss out on having more power, but honestly for 99% of the things I do on my computer it doesn't matter. And it's small and cute and fits in my purse, which I love.

If it were me I'd get a netbook AND a desktop. That way you can have portability and functionality of a small computer but also have the storage and power to play games, edit movies and pictures, and have a workhorse machine if you need it.

Also, don't buy a Dell. Their customer support sucks and their tech support people are in India. Get a Lenovo or and IBM (they're the same company). They aren't blue or green with cool looking junk on the cover. But they are great computers. Well built and top of the line without being pricey. And their tech support people are in Atlanta and speak English. That doesn't sound too important until you dump a cup of coffee on your keyboard with a paper due the next day...

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Whats a good laptop for a college student?


Mainly to do homework.......Just need to know like the best brand that doesn't freeze or crash easily

Depends how much you want to spend and the power you want.
As MACs cost a fortune and have compatibility issues, in the USA the value brand is Lenovo with average quality and above average specs. You can look at their business line Thinkpad with the top reputation in the business overall even above MACs.
If looking for an average performer of reasonable cost and good quality, I would aim towards Asus (who designs, manufactures, markets in their own name) and includes a 1 year accidental damage warranty on most sales, or Samsung, who specializes is high quality and lighter weight systems.
Toshiba is good unless the very cheapest, and they tend to cheat with 10/100 ethernet instead of gigabit in a lot of the products but their business line is excellent. Acer tend to be cheaper quality parts used up front, but they hold up well in their original state. They don't fail as often even if the quality is noticed as lower when you buy it. Sony uses good keyboards and LCD's but you pay for it with lower end CPU and graphics at the same price.
I would just bypass HP-Compaq and Dell according to PCWorld customer surveys annually.
That's the industry. Only MSI+Asus are designer-manufacturers of the normal brands you know, and Thinkpad is the only brand with electrical design and control in Japan instead of China.

Is this a good laptop for a college student on a budget?


I'm a college student with a tight budget and after searching and searching model after model, company after company, this Acer Aspire 9410 17" widescreen laptop came to my attention. If you have this model tell me how it runs. The link is


is it ok for the price? Pretty good, slow? To me it looks good but the integrated graphics seem a little bad. I would appreciate the feedback since I know that sometimes what you see in a picture or on a web site isn't exactly what you get. The more thorough the review the better. Thank you.

Looks like a good deal to me. Reasonable brand, overall good features, at fair price.

the only thing I might recommend is finding a computer with similar specifications and that is more portable. As a college student you might want to bring your notebook with you and that's a fairly large notebook. Believe me, the weight might not seem too much but carrying it across campus along with a backpack full of books can be miserable - although it may help you fight freshman 15.

Integrated graphics is not an issue for school related applications (with exceptions). Those exceptions include graphic designs and CAD but if you're doing those you should think to spend more and lean towards desktops. It's not great for games but again, you're going for budget and school right?

A small notebook with a good display at home might be a good combo.

I check these web sites out for good deals...
... there are a few more but those are the ones I check regularly.

There's very little to dislike about that notebook. You found a good overall value though. I don't think you can go wrong with that purchase. Good job and good luck in college.

Unsolicited advice:

Get a good external hard drive. You'll appreciate it if your hard drive ever crashes with all your pictures, MP3s, etc. Always back up! I can't tell you how many horror stories of people losing their precious college memories. I've also lost pictures due to primary hard drive failure.

It's also handy for tranfering files from other people's computers (friends, group projects, etc).

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best laptop for college student?


im going to college next year and was planning on buying a new laptop because i have had a hand me down for a while now. I had a Dell d600 laptop that just broke ( i spilled water on it ) and i loved it.. it was SMALL which was one of my favorite things about it.. not to mention it was simple and i figure it would be pretty cheap .. ANYWAY any other suggestions to a laptop that would suit my needs (and CHEAP!) links would be greatly appreciated.

I would recommend you to check out ProCompare.com (http://procompare.com/top/notebooks). They have a recommendation engine that ranks laptops and other tech products based on ratings and reviews from a community of trusted IT professionals. They also have a cool personalization slider that lets you personalize the results based on the criteria that are most important to YOU.

Hope you'll find this answer useful...

Best laptop for college student?


I dropped my laptop and the screen shattered.

I have a $4,000 limit.

I need something with a lot of memory, and a built in web cam .

I don't really know computer lingo, but I need something with a good word processing application(?) .

Please, I need it by Wednesday.

I would get a nice Macbook Pro (they can't get viruses like PC's do, and you don't have to buy anti-virus software with a Mac!). The 2.53/15" model as it is should be plenty for any student. It has a webcam, dvd burner, 4gb memory, huge hard drive, and it's brand new (they only came out last week!). They are $2,499.


You will need to purchase and install Microsoft Office for word processing. Although apple does have it's own software, Office is most commonly used. That is anywhere from $110 to $149 depending on where you purchase it. It would take about 10 minutes to install on your new laptop.

Wherever you shop and whatever you choose, be sure to use your student discount for 10% off.

You also should go on your college website and look at their recommended specs to make sure that the laptop you pick matches with their recommendations.

Good luck.

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Mac laptop or PC laptop for college?!?!?


I'm not sure which one I should get for college. I grown up using a PC but Macs seem to be very user friendly and I can get to learn how to use it.
If I get a mac laptop, which one should I get? Macbook or Macbook Pro?
Or if I get a pc laptop, which brand would you recommend?

price range: $800-$1000 would be ideal

my major for college: Biochemistry/Cell Biology


I'm going into my senior year of college and I have battled with this question for some time. Last summer I got a Mac Book Pro, 13 inch, no added or extra features and I think with the student discount, it cost me 1250$- my budget was nothing over 1000$ but if you are going to pay 1000, what is 250$ more?

Here are my reasons for doing so,
1. The battery life. I was so fed up with my PC, I bought a new battery/ charger for it after 2 years of having it. I'm not a gamer or avid photo taker so I didn't have crazy software running all the time. My battery drained in 2 years and would only hold a charge for 10 minutes. I couldn't take it to class, it was too big and bulky, and heavy! My number one thing about switching to a Mac was the 9 hour battery life. I've had it for a year, has not failed me yet.

2. It is unbelievably faster than my PC. I click on safari and less than a second, it opens up. Restarting it takes less than 30 seconds, shutting it down or powering it back up, like a minute. It's very efficient when youre in lecture, its a second, not 4-5 minutes waiting for it to wake up.

3. no Virus protection- this is expensive, and the difference that you are paying for the mac, you would probably save in yearly virus protection.

4. You can run anything on it or you can partition the hard drive to format windows as well. I am a biomed engineering major. I was always told, don't get a mac, you can't run the progrms on it.
When I found out you can parition it, I decided to go with a Mac. I haven't had to either since I've gotten it.

5. The operating system. I really like the design, it takes a little bit to get used to, but its efficient and it works. Plus, apple comes out with updates every now and then, like now they have OS 5, the Lion thing, that I plan on getting when it comes out.

6. It's a nicer looking machine- it just looks nice, takes up less space, runs better, and their service you can trust (apple care and customer service). You don't send it out, get charged a million dollars, then have it back in like 4-5 weeks. Ridiculous. Especially as a student.

I loved Pc's but I had a problem with buying a new one every 3-4 years. I think the only that last me was my first one and that lasted me 6 years. Since then, I've had to invest in several, which has probably added up to over 1300$. Where are I plan on having this mac book for the next ten years. It hasnt slowed down, and I am still extremley happy with it.

This was my first Mac product. It took me a while to convert to Mac, but when I did, I realized there wasn't any other service out there better. Since then, I've gotten the iPhone and iPad as well.. It really is just a great product. There is nothing better out there. And I used to SWEAR by PC's!!!!
good luck!!

Need a Laptop for College: Mac or PC?


I need a new laptop for college and am stuck in the Mac vs. PC state.
Price isn't a huge factor, I would be willing to spend more for a laptop I will use for a long time. I don't play games, I mostly search the internet and use word a lot. I need one that has a long battery life. I am leaning towards Mac but I'm worried about compatibility. Going on a premed course majoring in biology and I don't know if I'm going to need any specific programs for that. I would appreciate any input!

(And if you have any suggestions on PCs that would rival a Macbook Pro 15 inch [4gb, 250+mb, 2.5+GHz, 5+ hours battery life, under 7lbs, good screen)

I would recommend a PC.. For compatability, price, specs.. You can get a PC battery life between 2-8 hours. Or always get a better battery (more cells for longer life) Asus or http://www.powernotebooks.com for top quality.

PC=Variety of specs, options, quality, prices, vendors, support
Mac=One vendor, limited options, still more expensive. Look below for more information..

Today, Macs use a subset of PC hardware. Why spend extra to get the same CPU chips, graphics cards and OS X isn't as secure as you think..

Don't believe the lies that Macs are better than PCs at graphics/animation.. Dreamworks Animation http://www.dreamworksanimation.com/ under studio click on Technology of Animation, an independent film maker I know uses PCs, a graphic artist I used to know uses PCs also.

A number of PCs can also run OS X (Mac OS) http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=os+x+on+pc&btnG=Google+Search&aq=0&oq=os+x+on+ as well just that Apple makes it illegal in order to get Market share.. The reason why Mac can run native Windows is because it is using a subset of PC hardware,

If you decide to buy a Mac for running Windows, you will still have to get the same virus/spyware protection, and run into the same issues as a regular PC.

Now is a Mac worth buying for OS X?

I say: NO... for the following reasons...

Contrary to belief, Macs are not better quality. Apple also has been changing suppliers to try to "lower the price" and thus lowering quality. Even with the lower prices, Macs still cost more, they spend a higher percent of budget trying to make it look pretty, and marketing.

Sample of problems: Overheating Macbooks, OS X- not responding to keyboard, some units with 16bit screens, etc. Apple statistics are misleading since Mac users with problem machines are more likely to go out and buy a new computer than PC users. Apple is lowering prices which means you can expect lower quality than in the past. Apple had switched the manufacturers producing parts. OS X also has problems slowing down.

Repairs are more expensive than PCs since the IMac, Mac Mini are compact units, and Apple charges a premium for their services. Some repairs can be done by another repair service but the compact design of the computer causes problems.
With an IMac, if the problem is with the monitor, the whole computer would have to be brought in.
IMac and Mac mini lack expansion.

Mac OS X has viruses (and significantly on the rise), a friend of mine has a virused Mac. As more users use Macs, more viruses will come out for it. Especially when users think "they are safe".

Mac OS X was hacked in 2006 less than 30 minutes, and within 2 minutes in a contest in 2008, and within 10 seconds in 2009. In 2008, Linux and Vista were not hacked until another day when restrictions were lowered. Vista was next, and then Linux. In 2009 Windows 7 fell shortly after the Mac but Linux was unscathed.
Macs are standardized with Cameras, if your Mac gets hacked, the hacker can turn on your camera with more ease.
Please Note: All OS's have vulnerabilities.

A similar equipped PC is much cheaper to purchase than Mac. Lets use Dell (but you can compare with another PC Brand if you like)

Dell Inspiron Laptop Starting Price: $500
Ending Price: $500
15" Screen
CPU: 2.0GHz Intel Core 2 Duo [5% slower]
Graphics: Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X4500HD [Not as good/fine for general use[
Memory: 3GB DDR2 SDRAM [75% of ram)
Hard Drive: 320GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm (same)

Cybperpower Notebook Xplorer X5-2900 Starting Price: $755
Ending Price After upgrades (not including 5% rebate): $860
15" Screen
CPU: (upgrade to) 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (+$100) [FASTER]
Hard Drive: (upgrade to) 320GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm (+$5) [LARGER HARD DRIVE]

Macbook Starting laptop Price: $1000
Ending Price After Upgrades: $1200
13" Screen (SMALLER)
CPU: 2.1GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (SLOWER)
Graphics: Nvidia GFORCE 9400 256MB
Memory: (upgrade to) 4GB DDR2 SDRAM (SAME)
Hard Drive (upgrade to) 320B Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm (SAME)


PLEASE NOTE: I compare Apple Mac's vs Dells best deal. If you really want an all-in one the Dell all-in-one has more ram, wireless keyboard and mouse and equivalent to $400 for free making the Imac still more expensive when you matching specs. Personally I don't think the All-in-Ones are a good choice, and consider them overpriced, lack expandability and repairs both more expensive and require the entire computer.

PS: Apple knows that they need to make Macintosh look different than PC so all Macs except the Mac Pro will not have a tower option. Apple's low end lacks expandability but it makes the Mac "look different", if Mac had a tower for low-end, more people would realize the similarities between the two.

Dell: ($700)
CPU: 2.33 GHZ Dell Inspiron QUAD (4 Processor) CORE
SCREEN: 20inch Screen
HARD DRIVE: 500 GB hard Drive

The Mac Mini since it has no monitor, keyboard, mouse, very skimpy on options and setup and is not the best deal... The IMac is better price than the Mac Mini.

IMac ($1300)
CPU: 2.4 GHZ DUAL (2 Processor) CORE (SLOWER CPU)
SCREEN: 20inch Screen
MEMORY: (upgrade to) 4GB Ram (SAME)
HARD DRIVE: (upgrade to ) 320 GB hard Drive (LESS HARD DRIVE)
OPTICAL DRIVE: 8x DVD Reader/Writer (1/2 speed)

Aprox 90% of the market is Windows and most PCs have windows already pre-installed.
1) Some websites require Internet Explorer, to run IE on Mac you really get ies4osx which is the Windows version of IE running really buggy and illegal if you don't have a legitimate copy of Windows.
2) Supports more devices (printers and other things you hook into the computer).
3) More business software/games
4) Want the dock on OS X (Mac)? google/yahoo rocketdock, objectdoc.
5) Used by businesses.

1) FREE (most versions are)
2) Install software by either 1) Synaptic Package Manager, 2) Add/Remove 3) Opening a .deb or .rpm file (depending on distribution)
2) Like the Mac OS X effects? go yahoo/google COMPIZ FUSION which can do any cool effect a Mac can do and many ore....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3gkX9HDfEE (there is no flickering when you use it like on the video, not sure why the person has the flicker)
3) Mac OS X Doc? google/yahoo Avant Window Navigator.Cairo Dock, http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3rf5q_cairo-dock-mac-os-x-leopard-dock-on_tech
4) It is FASTER/MORE SECURE to surf on the internet
5) Some Windows programs work with Wnehq/Crossover (also avail on Mac, but why pay $$$)

Instructions how to download, burn and boot http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/use-ubuntu-live-cd-to-backup-files-from-your-dead-windows-computer/
Dual Boot Instructions http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_windows_xp_and_linux_xp_installed_first.htm

Equivalents to ILife

FREE Windows Stuff
Avira Antivir (FREE) for 2009 personal edition is free (there is a paid version) the free version was rated the best by consumer reports 2009.
http://www.free-av.com/ Avast (Free- Click under Free Software and download Avast Home Edition) http://www.avast.com/

Windows Defender (FREE)
Malware Bytes (FREE) Limitation - No Realtime protection on free version.
Super Anti-Spyware (FREE)


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i want a good laptop for college
im doing mass communication so not much pictures and all but mainly matter.....
i was actually looking for a laptop thats between 1-2 kgs and i do hve alot of music and pictures too but im going to put that on external memory....
so on my laptp memory id only have messengers and assignments thats it...
my budget is Rupees 50,000(india) which would be around $10,000 (USD)
Im lookin mainly in HP, Dell, Sony VAIO, Acer, Mac
i mean any suggestions???
my college doesnt have any sort of rules so its fine....and also i was wonderin if anyone can answer with like u know comparision and some sort of base i mean like HP is like this and Dell is liek that you no...
and u no everyone has HP i mean its kinda common and so its not so jazz anymore anyother recommendations?
hows lenovo?

It's better to go for Hp/Dell. HP's service is good when it compared to the rest. You will get a good laptop with in your price range. But the weight of the laptop will vary according to the price and feature. Tips follows.


Hope this helps.

Go for Sony VAIO. Reliable and aesthetically designed.

HP g6090 laptop?


anybody own this laptop. i want a laptop to do college work on but i want to do gaming as well. does it run games good and can it does it present good graphics.
My friend has a hp g6000 and he is able to run games fine on his laptop i thought this one would be fine as well as it is a higher model.
is the hp g6000 more powerful then this laptop then if it can handle games

It is good for college work but don't expect to run games as it isn't that powerful enough....
More info: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c01414830&lc=en&cc=inâ©=en&product=3716465&dlc=en

I recommend DELL XPS M1530 or ACER 8920G for ur usage. MAIL me for more info on these products.

Acer8920G DETAILS 'n' REVIEW:http://www.tech2.com/india/reviews/desktop-replacement-laptops/acer-8920g/35431/0

DELL XPS M1530 DETAILS 'n' REVIEW: http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=4135

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Monday, June 23, 2014

10 pts for Best Answer, New to College, What to Expect?


So Im an Incoming College Freshman to a Community College(Did I mention im 4 moths prego) So I hope to get support because I know it will be tough but I know It'll be best for mine and my baby's future.
Anyways, I plan on Transferring to a 4-yr University to obtain a degree in Nursing and go further into the medical field. My question is im taking 17units this Semester before I have my baby(due Feb 12,2011) I'll be attending College with a Belly, What should I expect the first day? Also, Im not a very organized writer but I LOVE taking notes, since I tend to forget everything. Should I take a small laptop to class to type out my notes? Is that allowed? I think its a little more organized, also will it look dumb if I took a small laptop to class? Sorry for writing so much, Im telling you I Love typing :) Please Nice comments. Thanks.

Being a to-be-mom-going-to-college would be pretty different. College is exhausting and carrying a baby in school would be more effort for you, not only because you are pregnant, but for the fact that you are new to that school. In going to a University, you must expect that students at a University must have the highest degree of independence. It should be easy for you because I think carrying a baby would be a big sign of independence (your baby depends on you :D).

Carrying a laptop to class would be nice, if allowed by your Professor, and you shouldn't look dumb with that thing. A Nursing student must be costly, for you should buy 4 inch-4 pound books, uniforms, apparatus, etc. that is conducive to learning your course (with the addition you would continue to medicine).

You should also pick your peers wisely for it should have a great effect on you and your future.

Lastly, just be yourself. As always, study hard and be thankful of the things that is happening and to happen to you.

God Bless and Congratulations for you!

Can someone help me understand how I am going to pay for college?


I live in Ontario Canada and as most Canadian know, we are one of the highest countries in the world that puts money towards education (besides France of course!) and I know that I can also get my education paid for (grants, loans, scholarships etc.) but I don't want to have to owe OSAP (Ontario Student Assistant Program) money for the first 10 years of my life. How can I pay for college without getting loans?!
I will be going to college in September of 2011 so that give me 10-12 months to save!
I have searched and searched for scholarships, but the whole things is so confusing!
Also, while on my search for scholarships, I came across a forum saying that students have been writing to locally owned businesses and large corporations asking for money! Has anyone every tried doing this for real? Did it work for them? I know that this is Canada and I'm sure businesses/ people would LOVE to help each other out, but I'm still worried about asking. THANKS FOR READING!

ME TOO, yay we're seniors now! I live in NS, but i want to go to the university of windsor for nursing. Get a parttime job (like i did, i will have saved up 7000 on my own) my grandma is going to give me 1000 for graduating, and i plan to get 2000 of scholarship from my school, the government gives out grants of about 120 a month, google it, and my parents are giving me a laptop, no money, i am going to get loans from my bank (scotia bank) if i can, but if not, you and i both are going to have to get OSAP :(

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Laptop for college student?

Q. hi, i'm going to college in the fall and need a good, but inexpensive laptop. does anyone have any suggestions?

I bought a very nice laptop from Dell for my daughter. I went to the dell website, chose/designed the laptop that I thought would be best for her to use both in school and in her free time, then searched through the Dell Outlet and found one that pretty much matched what I was looking for. I got one that was listed as having cosmetic flaws. What I would have paid almost $1,500 for, I got for under $900. My daughter said it did have a slight scratch, but she absolutely loves it.

Laptops foe college students?


I was wondering which laptops you would recommend for college students. I'm starting classes in the summer and I want to buy a laptop for school purposes but there are so many choices. Does anyone know a good laptop for students? Thanks!!

Here's the list I've found. Here's the link http://mylaptop101.blogspot.com/2012/10/cheap-high-quality-laptops-for-students.html

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do graduate students prefer laptops or netbooks?


hey graduate students, do you prefer a laptop or a netbook, for research and/or personal use?

The only grad students I know that have netbooks also have laptops or desktops. Netbooks don't have enough power to handle multiple programs running at once, enough memory for all the saved papers and articles, couldn't handle any special programs needed for research/homework, and long term typing on a netbook isn't as comfortable as a full sized keyboard.

What is best laptop for a graduate student around $400-500?


Dell Inspiron E1505 which I have and purchased 2 years ago so they should be around the price range you seek.
Havent had a single issue with it and the upgrade from XP to VISTA has been a breeze and it still kicks butt.
You should add a stick of ram though if you want Vista.
Love mine and will continue to buy Dell laptops because of the good experience. Hope that helps.

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Laptop for college? Help!?


Thinking of buying this: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Toshiba+C855D-S5109+Laptop%2C+Office+Home+%26+Student+2013%2C+Internet+Security+Software%2C+Sleeve+%26+Flash+Drive+Package/9999200800050017.p?id=pcmprd199700050017&skuId=9999200800050017

Thought it would be great because it comes with the case, flash drive, security software & most importantly microsoft office. I have never tried aToshiba brand computer. Are they reliable? Is 4GB of Ram & 500GB hard drive enough for me? I don't plan on doing any gaming. Just school work + facebook.
Office Home
the office home

Those deals are to draw you in. The case is more of a slip cover then a true case. No padding or protection. You need to check if Office and security software are trail version, most are just for 30 or 90 days. If it is a student version then it will be limited compared to the full version.

The lappy itself is OK but it will struggle under any multitasking. If you keep the back ground programs to a minimum you should be alright.

The last thing is it is a Toshiba. They should be avoided because of their heavy modification of Windows and the drivers. If you remove some of the bloat they install, you can cripple the system.

Check out these two HP. They start at $530 and would have better performance. They are not power hoses but I consider them the lowest I would recommend for someone.

http://www.shopping.hp.com/en_US/home-office/-/products/Laptops/HP-ENVY/C9W57AV;pgid=c7twGfjc0ptSRpIq7ZUcoGXQ0000fb8mNv9y;sid=NID2W1inOb6JXwkRbh2qz4GoAJwzDmy78dUe8LW2AJwzDtPc7Kuhl6jI?HP-ENVY-15z-j000-Notebook-PC A8-5550M APU HD 8000 Series Graphics 6GB DDR3 750GB 5400 rpm HD

This HP can be customized. Upgrade the Graphics to 1GB AMD Radeon HD 8670M Discrete. Do not get this one unless you get the graphics upgrade. It brings the cost up $580

http://www.shopping.hp.com/en_US/home-office/-/products/Laptops/HP-Pavilion/C8F68AV;pgid=c7twGfjc0ptSRpIq7ZUcoGXQ0000126GzpjJ;sid=wOckgE5TxtvuuRxANE-PCJZc9Pvh1XpPBbJgQ7vGyjypK_TAAlGILMhM?HP-Pavilion-15t-e000-Notebook-PC i5-3230M 4GB DDR3 500GB 5400 rpm HD

No matter which one you buy, follow the directions below to keep back ground programs to a minimum and that will help performance.

What slows a lot of puters down are the amount of programs that are running in the background. Download and install CCleaner from Piriform. Once you have it installed click on tools and then startup and see what is being started when you power up. You should have no more then 5 to 10 programs running at startup for optimal performance. I have seen up to 50 programs being started when the user turned on the system. One of the programs that I found that hinders HP lappy is the support assistance. Check and see how many of the manufacturers bloat is in the start folder. Also, just about any program that you install today puts itself in the start folder. They all want to start so they can phone home. You can use the disable feature of Cleaner to stop the program from loading at startup. The great thing about the disable feature is that you can come back and add the program back to the startup if you want it. If you use delete then it is gone and you will have to add it back manually.

If you have a large number of programs running and need help deciding what to disable, then look in the bottom right corner of the window. There is a button that says save to text file. Click it and then post the text file, we will see what we can help you with.

Tip DO NOT disable or delete anything that has anything to do with the touch pad or the video card. I learned the hard way on that one.


This program can also keep your hard drive from being loaded down with junk from the internet. You should read the home page of CCleaner and see what other things it can do for you.

Should get a laptop for college?


I got accepted to Normandale Community College, and I'll be a Freshman, too. I'm wondering if I should get a laptop during the summer. Should I?

You should definately get a laptop. You can get a cheap, but well functioning laptop for between 300-400 dollars, especially online. It won't have too much memory, or processing power, but it ill still get everything you want done unless you are doing serious programming/gaming/graphic design. It will last you throughout the 4 years of college. without any trouble so long as you get a decent one like a lenovo or HP.

It will be worth it, especially today, where many teachers like to post things online, and expect you to do research online. I understand that you probably have a desktop at home/in your dorm, but you can carry a laptop with you wherever you go. For example, you can carry it to your classes and do your work right on it, this will make your life easier through less stuff to carry around (no notebooks),
it will allow you to stay organized, and find notes/documents easily, and it will help keep you from ever losing anything. I don't know if these are issues for you, but they are for me.

Finally, you can use it at any place when you have a free moment to work ie: the library, cafeteria, student lounge, and out in town. Also if you ever go away any where for a trip you can always have your work with you.

All in all my basic points (that I may ave been confusing on) are: it's extremely useful, relatively cheap compared to what you are already paying for college, and it will last throughout your time in college, allowing it to definately become worth the money over time.

Hope this helped! Good Luck in college!

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Best laptop for college?


Im getting a new laptop tomorrow and I was wondering what brand i should get

I was gonna get an Acer but my friend who has one says they get viruses easily. And my cousin had an HP that lasted her 5 years and used it everyday.

I might get the HP but not sure.
The only brands my store has are Dell, Acer,HP and gateway

In the case of Windows based machine, brand of machine has no impact upon susceptibility to viruses, so your friend doesn't know what they are talking about.

For Windows machines, it is all about keeping a quality AV product installed and keeping it updated with the latest definitions and practicing Safe Hex. Safe Hex means: don't download hacked/stolen software; Don't go to gambling sites; don't go to porn sites - those are the 3 biggest sources of malware. A little common sense works well too: don't do things which sound too good to be true - someone offering to do something for you not on the up and up doesn't have your best interests at heart, and so on.

Anyway, for picking out a machine, consider the following:


Lenovo, Asus, HP, and Samsung are the top 4 laptop brands. I wouldn't consider any other brands.

Dell makes Alienware and they are not worth the money charged.
Acer makes Gateway. You'd have to pay me to use one of their machines.
Sony hardware has generally been good, but they are notorious for putting huge amounts of crapware/bloatware on machines and gathering information on their consumers without their knowledge or permission.
Toshiba has bottomed the rankings. Personally, I have used them and never had a problem, but that does not appear to be the case any more.

For Virus protection:
Consumer Reports has the following ratings:
Best 4 Free:
Microsoft Security Essentials

Best Paid:
G Data Internet Security
ESet Smart Security 6
F-Secure International Security
Kaspersky Internet Securityu
Avira Internet Security

There are always other opinions and tests:

Also consider a program to protect against spyware/adware (these are not considered viruses); Spybot Search and Destroy and Adaware are two excellent programs in this arena, both of which offer a free version.

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Sunday, June 22, 2014

College Student - what kind of laptop is best for me?


Hey guys,

so I am a college student and my laptop of 4 years just broke and I'm thinking it's time to get a new one as opposed to attempting to fix my old one. That being said, I don't really know a whole lot about computers, so I'm really unsure as to what kind of laptop is best for me. I've always thought MacBooks were beautiful and nice to use, but are they worth the price of nearly $1100? I honestly really only use my laptop for writing papers, occasional research and general Internet usage. I don't really use high-tech visual programs or anything like that. If anyone has any ideas or recommendations as to what would be the best laptop FOR ME and what I would use it for, or simply any reviews on laptops you have and what you like/don't like about them, that'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

ASUS laptop.

Core i5 3230M(2.60GHz) 15.6" 6GB Memory DDR3 1600 500GB HDD 5400rpm DVD±R/RW NVIDIA GeForce Dedicated 2GB GT 610M 1 Year Accidental Damage/30-Day Zero Bright Dot

Core i5 3210M(2.50GHz) 14.1" 8GB Memory 750GB HDD 5400rpm DVD±R/RW NVIDIA GeForce Dedicated 1GB GT 620M

Core i7 3630QM(2.40GHz) 15.6" 8GB Memory 1TB HDD 5400rpm DVD±R/RW NVIDIA GeForce Dedicated 2GB GT 635M 1 Year Accidental Damage/30-Day Zero Bright Dot

Two HP that can be customized to what you need, Bump the APU up to A8 or A10

http://www.shopping.hp.com/en_US/home-office/-/products/Laptops/HP-ENVY/B5Y73AV;pgid=c7twGfjc0ptSRpIq7ZUcoGXQ000046kL18cI;sid=9zDf3cQuLykz6ZWxCIeGSR0hwywaiPAyMmXy0Rex_etSdk9VLxt6fHwh?HP-ENVY-dv6z-7200-Notebook-PC Starting at $530

http://www.shopping.hp.com/en_US/home-office/-/products/Laptops/HP-Pavilion/B6C46AV;pgid=c7twGfjc0ptSRpIq7ZUcoGXQ0000ptFcn-Ce;sid=UfkUk5vYup7bi8p-xu5OB0LXZeXRxq_ElKxaT319WyKZOCFLk0_Q5UIX?HP-Pavilion-g6z-2200-Notebook-PC Starting at $460 Your choice of 5 colors

These are not customizable

HP SleekBook AMD Quad-Core A8-4555M APU AMD Radeon HD 7600G 4 GB DDR3 500 GB SATA (5400 rpm) $700

17" DV7-7230US laptop AMD Quad-Core A8-4500M APU AMD Radeon HD 7640G 6 GB DDR3 750 GB SATA (5400 rpm) $750

Brand buying advise

Apple makes a good quality laptop. The problem comes when it requires service or minor upgrades. It is near impossible to do anything with them. They even glue the battery and hard drive down so you can not change it. They solder the ram to the logic board so you can not increase it. They lock up most of the software so your stuck with what they approve.

Lenovo has serious stand behind their product problems. They bought IBM PC division and proceeded to drive the quality of the system into the ground. Their customer service is well below par. They even makes Dell customer service look good. The last and final thing to remember about them is they are a Chinese Government own company. It is up to you if you want to trust them.

Toshiba, Panasonic, Sony should be avoided because of their heavy modification of Windows and the drivers. If you remove some of the bloat they install, you can cripple the system.

Acer, Gateway, and eMachines should be avoided period. Low end system that are driving the race to the bottom.

Dell once made a good system and fell from grace. They are now struggling to regain their place in the market. Customer service is one of many problems with this company.

Alienware are glorified Dells and are more name then product. Priced extremely high for what you get. They do perform but you can get the same for less by looking around, just not packaged to be eye candy to the gamers.

Samsung has a history of using cheap parts in critical areas. Capacitors has been one area Samsung has a known history of going cheap, causing units to fail early. For that reason I would avoid them.

ASUS and HP do not modify Windows as bad as the other manufacturers. They have excellent build quality. They might add a lot of bloat but they also makes it easy to get rid of it.

Ultrabooks are the higher end of Wintel laptops but they have some of the same concerns as Apple. They make it next to impossible to change any hardware in them. Service of them will have to be done by the manufacturers. With most of them, you can not change your own battery or hard drive. They are designed to catch your eye but they are not any more special then other laptops except for the fact that they are slim or thin. Your paying for it being thin and slim. For the money your going to spend on it you can buy a much better laptop with more power.

Hybrids are the worse of the worse. The flip or detachable touch screens are just a disaster waiting to happen.

Never buy an All In One. They are far worst then laptops of any kind to service and they have a higher failure rate. My experience with them are limited because the few I worked on made me think they were designed in such a way as it would take a blow torch and a jack hammer just to disassemble them.

You get what you pay for. Systems with high end parts with low prices are to be viewed with suspicion. They have to cut corners somewhere to get the price down.

Choose wisely.

iPad vs Laptop for Engineering Student?


My mom bought me a iPad for graduation present. She told me that a lot of college students are starting to use iPads. I was wondering if an iPad would be better than a Laptop for a college student majoring in Chemical Engineering. I could take back the iPad and buy a Laptop that cost around $1,400. If a Laptop would be better what Laptop do Engineering students typically use.

An iPad is great for personal use, but any engineering student will likely need to take several mathematics courses and at least a few programming courses. You'll need software like MatLab and NetBeans which you cannot get on iOS. You really need a laptop as you'll need software that cannot be found on an iPad. It might be great for several things, but you will not find it useful for any schoolwork. I can't even imagine trying to get my degree with an iPad. You definitely need a laptop. You can also find decent laptops (as long as you don't plan on using it for hardcore gaming/video randering) for about the same cost of an iPad. That is of course if you want to go PC and not Mac. A macbook will set you back 1200 -1500. I'd go with a HP dv6t or dv6z laptop. They're around $600 and a solid one can be customized for less than $800.

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Good laptop for 14 year old high school student under $600 in canada?


I would only be using it for skype, video, microsoft word, and internet browsing it needs to be light because of biking to school i am buying it my self the the price range is a must i am open to windows 8 or 7

unless you have a special education plan that requires a laptop for writing papers a high school student does not need a laptop.
next if a laptop is still on your mind, you dont need a 600 machine.
weight isn't actually an issue because when it's in your bag it will be lighter than books and in a backpack it almost doesn't matter, and when it's not in your bag it's on a table. (i handle a heavy 17 inch metal chassis laptop and bike to college every day (in canada).
for your specs you can get a good fitting laptop for around 400 bucks.
look for an intel core i3 (second or third generation)
4 GBs of RAM,
and over 320 GBs of hard drive space.
i'd stay with windows 7 for now until more people move over to 8, this is because windows 7 has better support and knowledge bases to help you with whatever you need.

Best college student laptop?


I am going to college in the fall with about $2500 for the semester. I still need to buy my books ( going to michigan state about $300- $400) I will need to get my own phone plan ( under 18 should be expensive too.) What is my best bet for buying a computer?

I really like the Mac books, normal white, but after installing programs it's about 1400. Or with cheaper programs about 1200. Is it worth it? What other good laptops are there?

I don't need anything for gaming. Just for basic internet use, files etc... College student needs.

Any laptop made in the last three years will do what you mention and they can be had for a third of the price of a new macbook. I would recommend something smaller and more portable so that it can be used in class and not stay in your dorm room. Some good models to look at that will be in the $400 - $600 range are HP 6510b, 6910p, and NC6400

You can save money on software by using open source / freeware software like Open Office instead of buying Microsoft Office. If you have to have Microsoft Office you can get a deal with a student discount through your college.

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What's a good laptop for college?


I'm currently a senior in high school and my grandma offered to buy me a laptop. She bought my sister a Mac idk what kind but it was around $1000 and she said she would spend the same on me. But seeing how she is old fashioned she dosnt trust the Internet and isn't going to buy one online. I'm going to college for engineering and I'm not sure what programs I will need so I want to stay away from macs because it's more effort to convert things and buy adapters and such. At a local office max I saw a vaio c series with an i5 prosser, 650gb HDD, 4gb ram it comes with Microsoft office (I forgot any other stats). And instead of buying a New laptop I will probably just incrementally buy hard ware an upgrade it. Its $880 and I just want to know if it's worth it or if I should look at a different computer. Ps I'm not a computer gamer.

Try Search Yahoo! Answers.

What's a good laptop for college?
...grandma offered to buy me a laptop. She bought my sister a Mac idk what...buy one online. I'm going to college for engineering and I'm not sure...
Stars In Laptops & Notebooks - Asked by Chompiee - 1 answer - 1 minute ago

Which laptop is better for college?
I am getting a laptop for college, and I would like to know which is better. WHY for whichever one? Samsung Series...
Stars In Laptops & Notebooks - Asked by Richard - 1 answer - 2 hours ago

HP Envy 14: Good all around laptop?
...college student, I am in need of a reliable laptop to help complete assignments and... this: Is the HP Envy 14 a good computer to use for a college student? If it isn't, what is...
Stars In Laptops & Notebooks - Asked by Toby - 2 answers - 6 hours ago

What is a good laptop for college work and gaming?
... up with PCs. I want a laptop that is light, long-lasting battery, good for gaming,and has a lot of...
Stars In Laptops & Notebooks - Asked by Hailey - 3 answers - 21 hours ago

What are some good laptops for engineering college students?


Here are my requirements:
-Windows 7
-A intel core i5 or i7 processor
-At least 6GB ram
-At least 500GB hard drive
-Wireless Networking

I am looking for something that would work for my next 4 years in college. If you don't really know about engineering school, there are some programs that take a lot of ram and need a decent graphics card, so it can't be a piece of shit. If it meets the requirements it should work good though. I am looking for something in the $500 - $1,000 range, but definitely under $1,500. I can get some pretty good discounts on Dell, HP, and Lenovo computers through my school so those are the preferred brands. I also would prefer a full keyboard and something that has at least a 15 inch screen. Thanks for all your suggestions.

Hey, that is a great question, thanks for coming to answers, I hope this information helps.


Most reliable laptop brands: the results

Apple tops the list, as might be expected from such a premium PC builder. Apple products are far from cheap, but they do offer a quality experience. Runner up Dell has a very different business model. It, like other high-ranking brands HP and Asus, operates as a volume laptop maker, selling many thousands of laptops every week. We would expect to see them, and Lenovo, high up in our list because they sell so many PCs: but their higher ranking suggests a lot of satisfied customers.

Apple: 19%
Dell: 12%
Asus: 11%
HP: 11%
Acer: 9%
Lenovo: 9%
Toshiba: 9%
Samsung: 7%
Sony: 6%
Alienware: 3%
Fujitsu: 1%
MSI: 1%
Panasonic: 1%
I do not agree with this. But this was the results of a large survey...

That is a great question, hope I was able to help. Good Luck...

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Hey, If the above information helped or you appreciate the effort, volt best answer...

Source(s): CompTIA A+ Certified Computer Professional

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What's the best laptop under 700$ in Bestbuy or Tigerdirect!?


Guys, I'm an University physics Student who uses high level programming. I mainly use laptop for internet surfing & for watching video lectures. Help me find a good laptop for a reasonable price.

Well I didn't find one in bestbuy or in Tigerdirect but I saw a laptop that's on sale in newegg for 700$, it has i7 2630QM and AMD Radeon HD 6570M. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834246094 this laptop is really fast for the price. specially the processor (Very good for multi tasking) and graphics card (for watching videos in HD and it will make your videos look better).

Do physics students and physicists get a lot of free times?


A friend of mine convinced me to study physics. I am still a freshman, and I have registered for a physics class already.

I want to do a lot of travelings in my life, and I'm afraid that physics would take up most of my time. I'm still considering what should I study. Other things that I want to study are: mathematics and (mechanical) engineering. I want to study math because actuary is a high-paid and low-stress profession. I also want to study engineering because itâs a fun and high-paying job.

What I really want to know are: Do physicist have a lot of free time? If so, or not so, do they get paid well?

This is the brutal truth, be forewarned.

I am a Physicist. I can tell you that Physics does not pay well at all, there are extremely few jobs if you want to do academic research (Think that maybe 1 in 10 PhDs get to be professors, or worse than that in some areas of Physics). Also, the job is VERY time consuming because it is ultra-competitive. This is coupled with the fact that many physicist have very strong personalities and huge egos, so the competition can be vicious. If you want to do industrial work, there are jobs, but then, you can get better pay and get there faster by being an engineer. Also, most jobs in industry for physicist are either as a Quant in a bank (calculate and speculate with stocks, derivatives and futures), in the defense industry on weapons programs, in some IT sector as computer specialist, or a little less frequently doing engineer-like work in technological industries. Financial and defense are the sectors that dominate the physicist non-academia job market.

So, you work your tail-off, most after their PhD get trapped in the so called "post-doc hell" in an eternal cycle of low paying temporary jobs (think 40 to 50 thousand a year in the USA, less outside), having to change every 2-3 years your position and thus causing severe personal problems with your couple or spouse that cannot possibly follow you everywhere, waiting to land that elusive tenure track position. If you do land one (making 60 to 80 thousand a year, not a bad pay, but any "professional degree" can do more ), you have to work your tail off to get tenure, that can take another 7 years. If you survived until there and get tenure, you have beaten the odds from starting phisics mayors more than 50 or 100 to 1. At that point you do get a more secure position, but very few ever get there.

On top of that, the field is ultra-specialized, so there are always only an handful of positions each year for your specific specializations. I am not exaggerating when I say sometimes 5 to 10 openings per year in the whole country. This means that with the odds you have no control, unless you are some superstar, on where you will end up living, most just take whatever job they can in academia. You can easily end up in the middle of nowhere Nebraska because that is where the opening is.

There is ONLY ONE reason anyone should devote their life to this crazy and cruel carrer, that is if they have a HUGE passion for it and are absolutely convinced that there is NOTHING else they would be happy doing with their life. If Physics is your absolute passion, then do it, but know what you are getting into.

On the plus side you do travel a lot because of conferences, but if you want to be successful, you rarely have much time to enjoy the place while you travel: talks, presentations to be made, calculations and computer programs to run from your laptop while traveling. Also, don't think professors get the summer off, or graduate students or post-docs, they use the summer for furthering their research, their academic survival depends on it. Also sabbatical years are mostly used to fully work on research. Successful Physicists are generally workaholics.

This is an example of a VERY successful career:
-4 Years Undergraduate, many drop out
-5 Years PhD (most do it in 7 years) you make 20 K a year in stipends, many^2 drop out
-4 Years of Postdoc (most get stuck here forever or quit) you make 40-50 K, the salary of an elementary school teacher, now many tenure track positions are starting to ask for a minimum of 5 or 6 years of post-doc experience. most drop out
-6 to 7 years Assistant Professor. you make 60-80 K a year, if you don't get tenure it is hard landing another Assistant Professor positions\, you are damaged goods, you have to start from scratch a career in industry most of the time
-Finally you get tenure and have the right to a stable job. All your family is tired of the ordeal, you have beaten unbelievable odds to get here, must be super-smart, make 100+ K per year

I am not talking out of bitterness here, I am close to ending my 5th Post-Doc year and have gotten some interviews to tenure-track positions, am relatively lucky so far, but no guarantees I will land any. Will see.

If your wife also has an academic carreer then just forget it, square the very small odds and add to that the need for both of you to find a job in the same city. Very few have been able to do it.

You want to do Physics? are you ready for the fight of your life?

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Is this a good laptop for a graduate student?

Dorothy K.

Gateway Model M-7844

Here is the description:

I have the same one! It's a very good choice. It's also easy to carry around. You can get a loan for the price. Try not to put any games on your laptop. During classes, people tend to get distracted. Most Gateway computers are very compatible with Vista, which is an excellent system.

The most important thing is that this is your graduating year, and it should be the best! Gateways last a long time, and so will your notes!

Good luck in school!

What's the best laptop for a graduate student?


If you want personalized, reliable and quick advice, you should check out ProCompare.com -- http://procompare.com/top/laptops. They have a recommendation engine that ranks laptops based on reviews from a community of trusted IT professionals. They also have a cool personalization slider that lets you optimize the results based on the criteria that are most important to YOU.

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Saturday, June 21, 2014

What is the best laptop for a college student?

yo its jos

I don't want a Mac, I was thinking about getting a Dell but I dont know what they are like?
I am gonna be using it for research, document processing, chatting and internet surfing.

I will also be using Photoshop a lot on it.

There's no best laptop. Certain brands have less instances of repairs than others (Sony, Dell, Apple being among the top, as rated by Consumer Reports), but otherwise it's the same basic hardware. It might have even come from the same factory in China. In my experience Dell is very quick to help you out, but that's only because they send you refurbished parts and not brand new ones. Make sure you get enough memory (probably 2GB, maybe 3 since you're doing a bunch of photoshop), and a large harddrive to store your photos. Try to get an nvidia or ATI graphics instead of intel, since that will be incredibly better for use, but it's not really required.

As far as security devices like a fingerprint scanner go; don't bother. Most fingerprint scanners even come with a disclaimer that it's for convenience rather than security. The reason being is that most of them can be tricked by just dusting for prints and lifting it off with tape. A person who stole your laptop would simply dust for a few finger prints, lift them off with tape, and then put white paper on the back. The fingerprint scanner would probably accept it then. The only way you'd get around this is if you wore gloves 24/7 for typing and handling your notebook.

I'd suggest lojack for laptops or something similar if you're concerned about security, along with a good lock. A lock won't do much to deter a true thief (they can just smack the laptop against something to break off the plastic holding the lock on the computer), but it is a visual deterrent. Lojack can help trace your computer if it gets stolen and then connected to the internet, and it's reasonably priced considering. It's like $50/year or $100 for 3 years, which may or may not be a good deal for you.

Basically just get a cheap laptop with those specs. On sale you can probably find something like that for $600-650. Try OfficeDepot/Staples/Bestbuy/etc, besides checking Dell's online prices.

What size laptop should a college student buy? (PLEASE read details!)?


I am 5'10'' and 145 Ibs male

I will be using this laptop for:
1.school work
2. movies and gaming (free time)

Also, i will be carrying it around sometimes.

what size should i buy? 13' or 15' or 17' ? maybe something else? weight?

PLEASE help?? im buying it today :\

i suggest to buy a 10 or 13 inch and another 19 inch screen. so make sure the laptop can drive two screens (most do)

Always work out what your needs are and buy a laptop to suit.
Choosing a laptop
Laptops are excellent for running a second screen.
So please consider this
Two screens are a lot of fun. Assignment on one, internet, research on the other. Game on one, messenger on other.

I suggest to buy the laptop to suit your travelling needs, and have a second 19 inch screen at main base to plug into.
If you moving the laptop every day, so that you plugging into the main base every day, I suggest to set up a docking station complete with usb mouse and usb keyboard, and of course the second screen.
The docking station sets the laptop at a 45 degree angle so its keyboard is 45 degrees and you hinge open the lid so its vertical.
If you have 19 inch on its own stand, then the top of the laptop is the same height as the top of the 19 inch..

Now you can buy the second screen and docking station later on, and the docking station is not really necessary for home use, but for office use its best practice, so ensure you get a brand that has this available, if you think you need it..

If you walking a lot eg college, then gives you the opportunity to buy a light weight small screen type that's easy to carry

You have to decide on weight and battery criteria.

1. Weight - If you are going to carry it to and fro to school/office then consider getting a lightweight model. An external CD drive may be an option as if you not into burning disks or watching DVD then you hardly use the CD drive. Something about less than 2 kg is a lightweight. Anything over 2 kg is very heavy to carry.

2. Battery Life, - if you never going to use it on batteries then you can go bigger processor and larger screen. You can consider not buying the battery if appropriate. You can have two power supplies; one at home and one in the office is good for large heavy laptops.
If you want to use the laptop on batteries then you may have to choose a smaller processor and a smaller screen so you can get the hours required out of the battery.

3. Software, iI suggest to get the same software as you College or Buisness uses (XP or Vista, Office 2003 or 2007). When they update, you update.

4. Minimum specifications â
Games will require more specifications â more ram and âmore video card specs â more processor power.
A 1.6ghz processor is not good enough for big games, a 2,4Ghz is more suitable.
Generally though:
-a decent video card (for projection of power point presentations)
-Wireless networking
-Consider a high speed hard drive
- Consider 120GB Hard drive or larger
- Consider an external DVD drive or an Internal Burner -depending on your needs
-Consider 1 Gig RAM for XP or 2 Gig RAM for Vista, double that for Games or autocad type software
-Software able to update from their websites
-Internet security and
-Antispyware (free from net) is a must for internet use.
-Easy accessible USB ports
- built in webcam /mic
- A Mouse - wireless mouse are a pain, get a small usb mouse.
- a keystone lock
-A carry bag. Sometimes the manufacturerâs bag is the best buy

Consider getting the hard drive partitioned to C: and D: The C drive can be 30 gig for a laptop D drive is extended across the remaining.

Good buying: I suggest to buy from a discount store that can offer extended warranty, which you may pay for. If you do this make sure all the ram is in so it is covered by the warranty. Extended warranty will cover it for 3 years, and a lot of laptops do go wrong. The store should do the following
1. add the ram
2. install the software
3 partition the hdd
4 Ensure the hdd is NTFS file system

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Friday, June 20, 2014

What would be a good laptop for incoming college student in fall 2010?


I want a new laptop, looking at Inspiron 15 (1564). I like Dell and Sony laptops, what would be the best brands for a student, not gaming. Would it have Microsoft Word and other Office programs on it? Should I buy it now or in May or should I wait until I am closer to college in the fall?

My husband is quite partial to dell brand, so you can also check out those.
Honestly, i believe you get more bang for your buck with hp!
Whatever you do, don't get a gateway or compaq. Thier both really unreliable. I know from experience.

Most computers these days don't come with word installed. There are two programs that are free that i also recommend:

Sun has a free word suite substitute called "Open Office". It reads all the file types, even word documents. It is perfect if you are on a budget.
Also, for a Photoshop substitute, "Gimp" is a free program. I use it all the time.

Do yourself a favor, take time to research computers and look at ratings. You may not need a lot of memory because your laptop won't be used for gaming, but even so i recommend 4gb or higher. Tasks and programs run faster.
Also get an external hard drive. If anything happens to your laptop and you have anything important on there, it could be gone forever...which has happened to me before.

Lastly, good sales seem to happen right as school is ending for everyone. They lower prices because they know people that are going into college will need a laptop.

Best laptop for a college student 2010?


Okay, it doesn't necessarily have to be the best. I was looking at Macs but there quite expensive and we have them at school and I find them really difficult to use, I don't why but I'm just so used to Windows, even though we have been using them for two years now.
I want a laptop around the £500 mark (as I also want to get a camera, that will be in a separate question, but if you know of any good cameras that would be helpful too)
Preferably with Windows 7 as thats what I'm used to.
It also needs to have the Microsoft package, so Excel, Works, Powerpoint etc.
I mainly use my laptop for surfing the internet and doing coursework, but it would also be great if it was good at playing movies, 2 years ago I got a Dell Inspiron and was assured it was the best laptop for playing multimedia - I was thoroughly disappointed.
I don't know a lot about GB etc, but obviously it needs to be quite fast and have an adequate amount of memory.
Finally I don't play many computer games except for Sims 2 and Sims 3, currently I can't play Sims 3 on my laptop as it doesn't run very well so it would be great if it has good graphics for gaming and will run fast etc. but that isn't a necessity.

Well thanks in advance.

Do not get less than 2 gigs ram. Just make that your absolute spec in all of this. You can easily upgrade hard drive space later, or use a cheap external drive.
HPs are both really good.

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what laptop should i buy?


im a student going to nottingham university to study economics and a language and i need to buy a laptop before i go in a couple of weeks.

ill be using it to type essays, make notes, listen to music, occasionally watch tv on it, downloading movies and music etc and also carrying it to lectures so it can't be bulky

price isnt really an issue so can get any laptop

what do you reckon would be the best one for me? obviously macbooks are very good but are there any other ones you'd recommend? perhaps a lightweight dell or something..

thanks for any help

Sony VAIO E Series SVE1511DFYS can be a good choice
Intel Core_i5_3210M Processor 2.5GHz
750GB 5400rpm Hard Drive
Intel HD Graphics 4000

Which laptop would suit me best?


I am a first year college student. I am a Finance/Economics Major, but I like to keep my options open. I want to make money. I am going to buy a laptop that will hopefully last me throughout all of my college and well, hopefully for a longer time. I don't want to spend a lot of money, but I am willing to spend a considerable amount of money on a quality product that will be cheaper to me in the long run.

I plan on studying abroad in Europe, and traveling a lot. I want my laptop to have flexibility through countries and to be reliable when not in America.

I have a lot of music, I'm a big music guy. I am also kind of interested in DJing. I'm a sucker for software that promotes creativity. I use torrents also

I don't want to have to pay for mandatory upgrades, and I don't want my system to become obsolete if a newer version comes out.

In short, I want to invest in a good laptop I plan on using on a daily basis for tasks ranging from class work to things I want to do for fun. I want a sleek machine, something that isn't bulky, and will be reliable for a long time. Mac or PC?

lenovo is the best for you then buddy. 500GB would be fine for you as long as you don't have TONS of videos and bunch of ISO files. Lenovo can last for YEARS. I work for a college and the Lenovos there are manufactured around 1988 and still work :)

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Laptops foe college students?


I was wondering which laptops you would recommend for college students. I'm starting classes in the summer and I want to buy a laptop for school purposes but there are so many choices. Does anyone know a good laptop for students? Thanks!!

Here's the list I've found. Here's the link http://mylaptop101.blogspot.com/2012/10/cheap-high-quality-laptops-for-students.html

Which is the best laptop for a student starting college in 2012?

Ahmed Bila

My budget is from 500-750 USD. I am NOT going to use it for gaming. Primary use is watching movies, using a couple of softwares, facebook, youtube, music etc... And I have a dell inspiron i3 right now and when i open multiple tabs, it slows down pathetically so please also keep that factor in mind.

1. Here this one looks cool and would be my first choice within your price point and lenovos last forever ( A big screen blocks your phone so you can text in class if you take it with you. lol.)
2. This would be a second choice. Samsungs are really powerful and can take on many task!

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Is this laptop good for a grad student?


i'm going to grad school in chemistry and i need a laptop that can handle my work and such. is this a good laptop for the price? It's around $1057

HP Pavilion dv7t Quad Edition customizable Notebook PC

Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
2nd generation Intel(R) Quad Core(TM) i7-2720QM (2.2 GHz, 6MB L3 Cache) w/Turbo Boost up to 3.3 GHz
2GB GDDR5 Radeon(TM) HD 6770M Graphics [HDMI, VGA]
8GB DDR3 System Memory (2 Dimm)
640GB 7200RPM Hard Drive with HP ProtectSmart Hard Drive Protection
6-Cell Lithium-Ion Battery (standard) - Up to 5.25 hours of battery life +++
17.3" diagonal HD+ HP BrightView LED Display (1600 x 900)
Blu-ray player & SuperMulti DVD burner
HP TrueVision HD Webcam with Integrated Digital Microphone and HP SimplePass Fingerprint Reader
Intel 802.11b/g/n WLAN with Wireless Display Support
Standard Keyboard with numeric keypad

thank you!
i have a mac. worst laptop with the worst operating system i've ever come across.

The graduates I know, especially in chemistry end up buying a 15" macbook pro at my university, but since you don't like macbooks thats a different story.

Thats a good laptop, in fact thats too powerful (in a good way). For chemistry major, you will mostly use 40% of its power, thats good because the 60% of it is just there to speed up work. For web surfing, writing papers and taking online quizzes it will be fast.

Make sure you get a 15", 17" isn't worth it. (for portability)

I.E. Macs do crash, finder does.

Although I am curious to know, why do you think mac os are the worst operating system? And why do you consider your mac the "worst laptop"? (I just want to know because I am switching from PC to mac)

EDIT: to SNL, macs don't need a 2GB because an average user doesn't require that much GPU power. with more memory = more power consumption. apple did this in order to improve battery life. just saying! Although I am inclined to agree your argument about price, you are correct there.

What is the best laptop for a grad student?


I'm not a gamer, but I do have a lot of music. I use GIS (geographic informations systems/science) software. Thanks in advance.

Since you need specialized software, I'm guessing you'll need a windows machine, and there are so many different options that there's no way to name one particular laptop for you. Go to Best Buy or something and try some out. See how you like them.

I would suggest that you wait until Windows 7 comes out on October 15th to buy a computer, and save yourself the hassle of upgrading. I haven't heard a single bad thing about win7, and I've been keeping track of it ever since the pre-release was out months ago.

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